Our Journey Together


Walk with me for a while

Dance with me in a field of dandelions

Remember me?

We are children laughing, soaring, and floating with the clouds above

The clouds are misty enchanted creatures created with imagination

We run, holding hands, laughing and whirling in circles

We get dizzy and fall onto the soft green grass

Our eyes spy angels in the clouds

We smile and invite the angels to join us

Together we create the stars, planets, and galaxies

Together we can do anything that we can imagine

- Darlene Bailey


Darlene is a Multi-Dimensional Channel, Heart Centered Healer, DNA Alchemist, Reiki Master Teacher, Remote Viewer, Crystal Therapist, Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Sound Theorist, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. You are invited to awaken from the dream of current reality, step into the process of changing the world, and imagine a world you would like to see into existence. Darlene helps you to connect to who you truly are, and works with you to redirect your life, uncover your desires, and take steps toward your goals to achieve your dreams. Your time together will change limiting beliefs, dissolve blockages that do not serve your highest good and open your heart to unlimited potential.

-Photo of clouds by Darlene

What People Are Saying

“When I first met with Darlene I was at a crossroads in my career and personal life. Working with her for just three sessions I noticed a feeling of “lightness” “clarity” and “grounding.” That has continued to resonate in my life! Thank you Darlene for this wonderful experience.”

— Toni C.

“You did a beautiful job creating a very calm & relaxing environment in which to be exposed to & learn about Reiki. We very much enjoyed having you & learning from you. ”

— Integrated Med Interns Geisel School of Medicine

“The healing energy that Darlene directs is unique, but first I need to explain why I required this type of healing intervention.

At the time of Darlene's intervention, 7 or so months had passed since I had experienced 2 strokes in November of 2015. Initially, I used alternative sources to rehab my physical body movements and speech. 'Then, during early summer of 2016 I started to experience very unusual pain and movement of energy in my brain just prior to the onset of high blood pressure. The pain was very acute and moved within my head with no particular regularity. The medical profession was no help. I became aware of Darlene through friends and sought her help.

During the course of several sessions, I experienced Darlene's energy from long distance and I was able to continually see a reduction in the severity and duration over a period of 2 to 3 months. At the end of this period of treatment I have been free of the pain up to the point I am writing this report, December 10th 2016.

During these sessions, which lasted from 10 or 15 minutes to almost 1 hour in others, I felt subtle energy moving throughout the cranial cavity while I was meditating and focusing on my body. The energy was soothing and I felt no pain as the energy did its healing work. This is truly angelic energy by a highly evolved, warm, and spiritual individual.

There is no doubt in my mind, as to how it relates to me, that how Darlene works with this energy, it is both helpful and curative verses symptom delaying through the use of pharmaceuticals.”

— Clive M.

Peace - Happiness - Health - Abundance - Appreciation